
Does The Death Penalty Reduce Crime?

does the death penalty reduce crime?

Rep. Larry Pittman of North Carolina: Christian, seminarian, and ordained minister

That mini-biography in the title is to help put this story in perspective; it's also completely unsurprising. Pittman wears his Christianity prominently and proudly, and it seems to be the only qualification he thought important in his run for office. And now he's using his blessed Christian morality to define his work in the legislature.
He was very irate at the easy life of a death row inmate, so Pittman wrote a letter to the General Assembly with some suggestions. He thinks:

Doesn't it warm the heart to know that the barbaric medieval mentality is still making the laws in America?

He does have some second thoughts about his list. He now regrets broadcasting it, and wishes he'd only sent it to a sympathetic fellow Republican.
It's the standard Christian sentiment: it's not the sin of violent, uncharitable thoughts that is wrong, it's being caught expressing them.

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